For more information contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Volunteer your time, talents and energy for tasks like answering the hotline, speaking to community groups, assisting in planning events or helping with administrative duties.
Make a donation
Financial support is vital to ensuring that our services are available to anyone who needs them. It is important that our services remain free, since a common tactic of abusers is to control and limit their partners’ access to resources.
Speak out against violence
Learn the facts about domestic and sexual violence and share accurate information in your community. Tell others about our services.
What men can do to end domestic and sexual violence.
- Confront sexist language and attitudes
- Be a good role model
- Take opportunities to coach boys about teamwork
- Submit a newsletter article for WomenSafe’s biannual Newsletter
- Attend a Addison County Council Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Meeting
- Attend October Domestic Violence Awareness Month Events(DVAM), and April Sexual Violence Awareness Month Events (SVAM)
- Work with WomenSafe to plan your own anti-violence event
- Start a White Ribbon Campaign for Addison County (WomenSafe would be happy to provide guidance)
- Send money to organizations that work to end violence
- Go to the following websites to learn more about a man’s role in ending domestic and sexual violence:
Men Can Stop Rape:
White ribbon campaign: