Ann Jones, Next Time, She’ll Be Dead: Battering and How to Stop It, 1994, Beacon Press,288 pages. Domestic Violence must be viewed not as a “marital problem,” but as the crime that it is, says Jones, who gives specific suggestions of what the judicial system, medical and mental health establishments, schools, clergy, media and individuals can do to help women live free from violence.
Cherrie Morraga and Gloria Anzaldua, editors, This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, 1983, Kitchen Table Press. Classic collection of writings by Native American, Asian American, Latina and African American women on issues such as culture, class and homophobia. Includes extensive bibiography.
Ginny NiCarthy, Getting Free: You Can End Abuse and Take Back Your Life, 1997, Seal Press, 316 pages with list of resources. Helps the target of domestic abuse understand her situation and find ways to change it. Answers cmommon questions and gives detailed steps for making the decision to leave or stay.
Ginny NiCarthy and Sue Davidson, You Can Be Free, 1997, 120 pages. Written in an accessible style for women in crisis, You Can Be Free covers a range or topics designed to help women leave an abusive relationship. This edition includes a new introduction and updated resources.
Susan Brewster, To Be An Anchor in the Storm, 1997, Ballatine Bools, 245 pages with list of resources. A guide for families and friends of abused women.
Evelyn C. White, Chain, Chain, Change: For Black Women Dealing with Physical and Emotional Abuse, 1985, Seal Press, 78 pages. Discusses stereotypes and cultural assumptions and offers suggestions for getting support and getting out of an abusive relationship.
Kerry Lobel, editor, Naming the Violence: Speaking Out About Lesbian Battering, 1986, Seal Press. An anthology of personal stories, articles and essays by lesbians about an experience that many women want to believe doesn’t happen.
Allan Creighton with Paul Kivel, Helping Teens Stop Violence, 1992, Hunter House, 166 pages. Members of Battered Women’s Alternatives and the Oakland Men’s Project came up with this guide for counselors, teachers and parents to empower young people to resist abuse and to recognize the age-, race-, and gender-related power imbalances that cause violence.
Maxine Trottier, A Safe Place, 1997, 24 pages. Written for use with 3-10 year olds. This 24 page hardcover book tells the story of Emily and her experience at a shelter. This sensitive story offers comfort to abused women and children.
Barrie Levy, Dating Violence, Young Women in Danger, 1998, 315 pages. An indispensible book for all readers converned with fostering healthy, non-violent relationships between young people.
Paul Kivel, Men’s Work: How to Stop the Violence that Tears Our Life Apart, 1992 Ballantine Books, 293 pages. The founder of the Oakland Men’s Project examines how batterers learn violence and how they can break old patterns. Includes information on power and racism. With exercises and bibliography.
Paul Kivel, Boys Will Be Men, Ballantine Books, 1999. Talks about he chanllenges of raising responsible boys in today’s world.
Ann Goetting, Getting Out, Columbia University Press, 1999. Life stories of women who left abusive men. 282 pages.
Elaine Weiss, Surviving Domestic Violence, Agreka Bools, 2000. This book tells the story of twelve women who broke free from their abusive partners.
Brian Ogawa, Walking on Eggshells, Volcano Press, 1996. This book discusses practical counseling for women in or leaving a violent relationship. Walking On Eggshells describes the feelings experienced by many women who are being physically and psychologically abused by their partners.
Jan Berliner Statman, The Battered Woman’s Survival Guide, Tylor Publshing Company, 1990. A resource manual for vitims, reltives, friends and professionals, it includes legal options, profile of the battering personality, women’s stories and ways to help a friend.
Ruth A. Brandwein, editor, Battered Women, Children, and Welfare Reform. Sage Publications, 1999. This book explores various threads that tie family violence to welfare.
Jill Davies, Safety Planning With Battered Women, Sage Publications, 1998. It offers new perspectives on safety planning in order for advocates to develop a more women-centered approach.
Theresa Funiciello, Tyranny of Kindness, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1993. A discussion of the welfare system of a former recipient and current reform activist.